Thursday 17 October 2013

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Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with some Initial Problems

Apparently, the device has been discovered to show such behavior both when charging and when not plugged in, and no specific info on the underlying cause has been provided. 

According to one XDA-Developers Forum member, his Galaxy Note 3 unit rebooted while installing apps from Google Play, and entered the aforementioned reboot cycle.

The problem seemed to be solved after a hard reset, but it reappeared when the phone was rebooted again. The issue is said to be persistent, with the phone getting stuck in a loop every time it is rebooted. 

Another user claims that a similar issue appeared with their unit, but only when it was plugged in. All returned to normal after unplugging it. 

However, these are not the only cases of such behavior from Galaxy Note 3. Other users suggest that the issue might be related to the applications installed on the device.
While there’s no confirmation that this is indeed the case, chances are that this reboot loop problem is related to the voice call distortions that Galaxy Note 3 users in the US have been reporting lately.
Turning the device to Flight mode is also said to help in most cases, and some suggest that this means that the issue might be related to Galaxy Note 3’s antenna.
Apparently, one of them has seen the phone entering the reboot loop when the microSD memory card was in, but managed to have it working just fine after removing the card.
Some owners of Galaxy Note 3 devices out there are facing a very annoying issue with their smartphones, as it occasionally gets stuck in a reboot loop. 


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