Monday 27 May 2013

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Apple iPhone 7 Concept Leaked! Features-full specifications-reviews-price.

Is it too early to already start talking about the iPhone 7′s release date and all the involvements behind this action (such as features, price, spec, height, screen, etc)? Well some might say that it is indeed way too early to have this discussion since the moment of the release of such a next generation iPhone 7 is so far ahead, especially when we have just witnessed the release of the iPhone 5 back in October 2012, and we should perhaps just embrace and enjoy this now.

So if the iPhone 7 is indeed so far far away, what about the next iPhone 6 or 5s – this new model has also made rumors and speculations spread – although there are not yet too many explicit and exact models on it. But Apple Insider and other fans of the Apple company and its products have indeed brought the new features and specs of the so-called upcoming iPhone 6 on the front stage, so all we can do is sit back and wait when the rumors become reality.
But if we really think of it – then all the rumors behind the launching of the next generation iPhones can not be that far fetched, taking into consideration that it is common practice for all the big technology companies to think very much ahead – and try to plan up to 3 or 4 years in advance when it comes to its products and areas of research. So it very much likely for Apple (and when mentioning Apple we are actually referring to Steve Jobs actually) as well to be performing research practices in ahead – and to be in the workings for a RnD road-map – and then being followed by the so called “technology products life-cycle lagging behind.”
Because when we think Apple Steve Jobs is the one who pops up into our minds, the ultimate CEO who did not lack in imagination and made it all possible for both Apple and its consumers. Remember one of the so popular sayings we have inherited from Einstein, stating that the power of imagination overtakes the power of intelligence? Well, we believe that Steve Jobs had the power of imagination (correlated with his intelligence of course) – and he managed to take the upcoming future technology theories and ideas and make them happen with his creativity, innovative spirit and challenging ideas. So if we are thinking of an upcoming iPhone 7G then we might as well be sure that Steve Jobs already had thought of it before and perhaps even sketched his ideas on paper. If there was something you needed or wanted, then he would even be able to put his fingers on it before we, the average consumers – would actually realize we needed, so his power of anticipation was incommunicable.

Let’s take Düne and Soso from French blog NoWhereElse as example for the way our opinions can be completely influenced and shaped regarding a new upcoming technology we are confronted to experience. So I am sure you all remember the impact of the Apple iPhone 5 Info-graphic that encompassed a series of rumors incorporated in one single image – this is one info-graphic that gave birth to so many speculations and changes that it finally became incredibly popular all over. What actually caused all this uproar? Well it was basically created by all the changes that this would imply and of course the high percentage that the changes would actually apply and be present on the newly upcoming iPhone 5.
So as I have already mentioned – one of the key elements in the shaping of our perception and also degree of expectancy over one product or another – are actually all these rumors spread around and all of the very creative info-graphics, so they are very important overall. And it is also no secrecy that even the people involved in the development of these products gather their inspiration from all the ideas in the community, so the actual process of the tech product development ultimately gets very much influenced by the community ideas, hence giving them so much more importance than we would at a first sight. And this mostly happens because it has been proved over the years that if you want to have a commercially highly successful product, then you surely need to listen to the mass market taste – and to take any of the flavors they might prefer into your consideration if you want to have a successful product at the end of the day.
So we must again think back at Steve Jobs – who had this incredible gift of anticipating consumers’ needs and wishes and then putting up a whole strategy of selling it to them and then also gathering the perks. It has been enthusiasm and a hunger for innovation that have driven him to be so successfully, so once Apple was faced with having to choose another CEO, things suddenly got a lot more trickier.

But again – Apple is so good at keeping all the news for themselves – and that no clear speculation might arise from their statements – that we have at this stage no clear reference to the upcoming road map of the organization, so there is so little info on any possible iPhone 7, and again we wouldn’t be able to count on the accuracy of the info either. This doesn’t mean however that attempts have not been made in this sense or that there has been a stop to all these rumors – so as an example and keeping it all real and modest – we will present you with some info on this topic coming from iTechWhiz, which you can digest in your own way, so let’s give it a go and see how they roll.
Let’s see what the are the expectations regarding the specs for the iPhone 7.

1. A higher number of Applications 

Applications – this is one of the things Apple really comes on top of – as we currently already have such a development in this chapter, then we can surely expect it to be even more active in the future, and be presented with an even larger variety of useful and practical apps from the Apple developers, which will of course differentiate their products from the rest. What a great thing to have!
2. Improved Technology
Again – this is one of the chapters we can not avoid and why would we want to in the first place. If the Apple iPhone 7 would be launched then it would of course make use of the latest available technology and this product would rank first in the range of iPhone products. Then we could all have a much cooler and nicer mobile experience, and when we think of it we could mention that we want a much better signal, a much better recording audio quality, but also a highly improved Retina Display, why not – and the list can go on – and there will be of course some options our imagination can not even grasp yet.
3. Jiri next to Siri
Now we are turning our attention to Siri – the Apple iPhone 4′s first efficient Voice User Interface (VUI) – which meant a huge and effective transformation from GUI ( Graphial User Interface) – the standard touch based interface we were all accustomed to in the beginning. So if all of this sounds great – then let’s take it a step forward – and see what a Mind User Interface (MUI) might add to it. Well this would be the barrier between voice to the actual mind and it would also mark the next level of usability, and it would indeed be really great. We will be witnessing this as associated to the Google Project Glass – which basically incorporates an upcoming Augmented Reality based smartphone solution that will run Android mobile operating system.
Thus this is something that we would very much be expecting to have in the upcoming iPhone 7 and the innovative MUI system on this new device would definitely bring a different level of innovation to the company. What about JIRI – Jobs Intuitive Recognition Interface – that would detect your thoughts and automatically direct you towards the place that can make them happen.
4. Green iPhone 7 Technology
Isn’t everybody today a promoter for a better and greener life? Well this will surely also be applicable to a new iPhone 7, which will of course embrace the ingredients of a much better and eco-friendly spec of features. Let’s start by discussing MUI – you will therefore be able to use it and automatically be able to save on fuel and also to reduce carbon – and contribute to a reduction and elimination of waste overall.
5. Better Camera Display Screen
Let’s go back to the iPhone 4 for a second and see what its biggest flaws are. Well, to begin with, there have been a lot of complaints regarding its poor screen. It is of course clear that the flaws encountered in the first iPhone models will be worked upon in the upcoming iPhone 7 – so this will indeed make the model be much better than its predecessors. There will be a lot of improvement in making the new device more user friendly and in what concerns the camera chapter as well.
6. Improved Storage Capacity
The storage capacity is again one of the most important features a mobile could have and something that everybody strives to be as high as possible. So there will be an improvement in the storage capacity for the iPhone 7 in comparison to the previous iPhone models – and the capacity is believed to be revolving around 160-500 GB. A big step ahead! But as some might say, who knows what might happen up to that point and if we will be faced with unlimited storage capacity as an option from Apple.
7. Fast Powerful Processor
A very fast processor is what we need to handle an increased storage capacity and also an innovative technology, so in order to be able to use your mobile to its maximum capacity and usability – then everybody is expecting that the new processor to have a much higher level of advancement and to either have the quard core A8 chip or perhaps be even better than this, so expectancy is high and hopefully we won’t be disappointed.
8. No Charging Required
If there is something we are all counting on that would be to get rid of the so inconvenient charging method. Does it only happen to me that my phone battery dies exactly when I need the phone the most? I am sure not. Well chances are high that once with the launch of the iPhone 7 (which is estimated to be happening around 2015-2016) we will not be using the conventional charging method anymore. While the rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries were not considered to be an efficient source of power ever since Steve Jobs was in charge, he focused on renewable energy as a source concept for the charging of the iPhone 7. Another one of his ideas in this field would have been Solar cells printed on paper and also the sensors that might store kinetic energy for an Apple-patented renewable energy charging option. How cool and next generation does this sound? I am sure I got you all so curious now with these new options, because there is a little more waiting to be done until we reach the iPhone 7′s estimated release date – around 2014, 2015 or 2016.

iPhone 7G Price Estimations

Beside the release date, the applicable features spec and all the innovative options coming along with it, we are all definitely interested in at least one more aspect, which has of course a high importance in the whole new product package. So taking into consideration that we would be having a much better and advanced technology in the iPhone 7, new innovative features, a faster and improved processor and potentially unlimited space for storage (via the Cloud most likely) – then we have to discuss a slightly higher price for the Apple iPhone 7, which will most likely be over the iPhone 6 price, currently estimated around $649. So the estimated price for the iPhone 7 is actually revolving around $849, but there is of course a huge difference between what the price of a product is and what its worth is on the other hand. And this is also affected by different factors, such as the constant and inevitable changes in both currency value and other economic parameters. So if you think about it, then you can realize that what you could today get for 700 dollars, then the same product might cost more than the initial 700 dollars and get up to 800.

But although there are going to be so many changes brought in the Apple iPhone 7, the price range for the new product has to be kept in between boundaries, and the boundaries are to be set both by the constantly increasing global economic challenges and also by the competitor’s influence. And the competition is not small and both Samsung or Android smartphones are raising the bar high, forcing Apple to keep up in the same range. Moreover, it has on the other hand also not been witnessed for Apple to have huge increases of prices in between its products, so although we can not exactly estimate clearly on what the final price for the iPhone 7 would be, we could imagine that they will not be increasing the prices considerably. However the best option for us to do is wait and see what is going to happen in the very end. Our speculations can only take us so far,  and although we do rely on a few certain facts too, there are a lot of other elements involved in the final overall process which might show us differently.
Now that we have checked and ticked a few of the possible features that we might witness in a future release of the iPhone 7, I shall get back to my initial question and ask you one more time – What do you think – is it too early to already start talking about the iPhone 7′s release date and all the involvements behind this action (such as features, price, spec, height, screen, etc)? Now that you have read through a few of the actual features and changes that are possible to be applied here , I am sure you can picture them actually taking place and you would of course love to see them incorporated in your new future device. Afterall, what is the advantage of technology companies such as Apple than thinking outside of the box and being one step ahead of its consumers. Looking forward for time to fly by and have us experience all of these innovations.


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