Tuesday 21 May 2013

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Sony gives a Teaser to its viewers by launching a teaser video!!!

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The PlayStation 4 was confirmed to the world at the end of February, but Sony didn't actually reveal the final design of its next-generation home console.

Sony has just released the first video that teases the final design of the PlayStation 4 next-generation home console, showing brief glimpses of the device's looks.

Since then, Sony has kept the final version of the PS4 under a tight shroud of secrecy.

Now, the first teaser trailer of the PS4's final design has been released by Sony.

As you can see in the video above, the PS4 will retain the black color scheme of the current PlayStation 3 standard model, but it will boast quite a few other design elements.

No other details are known, but apparently the final design of the PlayStation 4 will be showcased at Sony's E3 2013 conference on June 10.


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