Tuesday 28 May 2013

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Apple iPhone5S to have a double amount of Pixels than iPhone5 making it clearest HD available in Globe. Price-full specifications-features-launching date.

Now here is a cool rumor about the next iPhone coming from the vast prairies of the Chinese blogosphere. The screen on the iPhone 5S,iPhone 6, or whatever Apple chooses to name it, will allegedly keep the 4" size, but have a bit thinner bezel, hinting that a different panel might be used than what we have in the iPhone 5.

In fact, the source claims that it will be an entirely new panel, with double the pixel count of its predecessor, to 1.5 million pixels in total, which, of course, means that the resolution and pixel density of the display must be much higher.

If Apple managed to score enough yield with Sharp's IGZO displays, which allow record pixel densities in a thin and light package, with a lower power consumption at that, there might be some merit to this rumor, and the source says it will enter production next month for a release in September, which jibes with the launch rumors we've heard so far.


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