Saturday 22 June 2013

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HTC to get in Windows-8 soon expected!

Taiwanese mobile phone maker HTC Corporation is reportedly getting ready for the launch of new Windows Phone 8 devices, although its current lineup did not perform as well as expected. 

In fact, it seems that the company might release a new flagship Windows Phone 8 smartphone in the not too distant future, one that would be similar to HTC One. 

According to a recent article on Neowin, the smartphone won’t be identical to HTC One, but will pack many similarities with it, it seems. 
Reportedly, HTC plans on packing the smartphone with a large display, as well as with a metal body, and with Beats Audio technology inside. 

Furthermore, the upcoming mobile phone is said to arrive on the market with the Windows Phone 8 GDR3 (General Distribution Release) flavor of Microsoft’s OS, which means that it won’t be unveiled soon. 

It’s yet uncertain whether the new Windows Phone 8 device will sport the same 4.7-inch touchscreen display as the HTC One, but it seems that it will take advantage of the UltraPixel technology for the back camera, the same as the Android handset.
Based on the previous rumors regarding the platform release, we can also expect the phone to pack a quad-core processor inside, as well as a full HD touchscreen display, features that would certainly help any handset running under Microsoft’s OS to become more popular among end users.

HTC One has already managed to prove a highly appealing device, although its performance fell well behind that of rivals, and the release of a Windows Phone 8 flavor could prove a great move from HTC. 
With no official confirmation on the matter available for the time being, we’ll take the info above with a grain of salt, though chances are that a high-end Windows Phone 8 handset will emerge from HTC when GDR3 is announced later this year.


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